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Create bot

You should take these steps:

  1. Create a bot using BotFather (The main telegram bot for managing your bots)

  2. Create channel and group

  3. Add and configure the created bot in FatherSupports


FatherSupports — bot is used to configure and manage your bots. Its usage is the same as BotFather by Telegram

Create a bot using BotFather:

Use the /newbot command to create a new bot.The BotFather will ask you for a name and username (must end with the bot).

If it's successful, BotFather generate an authentication token for your new bot, like this: 1234567890:AAAA-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. This ApiKey will need to be sent to our helper bot FatherSupports (described — here).


You need to disable private mode so that the bot can send messages to the channel and group

Select the created bot in BotFather, then choose Bot SettingsGroup PrivacyTurn off. The message text will be changed to Privacy mode is disabled for the botname ...

Creation and basic configuration are complete!
BotFather has other settings, changing the name of the bot, adding its description, setting an avatar, etc. Read more about this in the Telegram documentation.

Create a channel with disscusion

  1. Create a group. It needs for work comment systems. Team communication is in the comments to the post-request.
    • Add a bot to this group, make it an administrator.
  2. Create Channel. You will receive requests from clients here
    • Add a bot to this channel and make it an administrator
    • In the channel settings, add the created group for discussion. Go to Manage ChannelDiscussion and choose your group
    • We recommend that you leave the group so that there is no confusion between chats. You, as the creator, can always return to this group